J-GLOBAL ID:200902010349851757   Reference number:92A0159000

Effect of Dietary Ascorbic Acid on Growth and Ascorbic Acid Level of Chicks Exposed to High Ambient Temperature.

Author (3):
Volume: 29  Issue:Page: 41-46  Publication year: Jan. 1992 
JST Material Number: G0008B  ISSN: 1346-7395  CODEN: JPSOBX  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Chickens  ,  Physiology and anatomy of endocrine system 
Reference (16):
  • 1) PARDUE, S.L. and J.P. THAXTON (1986) Ascorbic acid in poultry: A review, World's Poult. Sci. J., 42: 107-123.
  • 2) NATHAN, D.B., E.D. HELLER and M. PEREK (1976) The effect of short heat stress upon leucocyte count, plasma corticosterone level, plasma and leucocyte ascorbic acid content, Br. Poult. Sci., 17: 481-485.
  • 3) PARDUE, S.L. and J.P. THAXTON (1982) Enhanced livability and improved immunological responsiveness in ascorbic acid supplemented cockerels during acute heat stress, Poult. Sci., 61: 1522 (Abstr.)
  • 4) THORNTON, P.A. (1961) Increased environmental temperature influences on ascorbic acid activity in the domestic fowl, Fed. Proc., 20: 158.
  • 5) THORNTON, P.A. and S.S. DEEB (1961) The influence of thyroid regulators on blood ascorbic acid levels in the chicken, Poult. Sci., 40: 1063-1067.

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