J-GLOBAL ID:200902096725960580   Reference number:85A0232461

Presentation of academic methodology deduced from verification process of the hypothesis, methodology of practice. Succession to Nightingale’s theory of nursing, and its further advancement.

実践方法論の仮説検証を経て学的方法論の提示へ ナイチンゲール看護論の継承とその発展
Author (1):
Volume:Issue:Page: 1-15  Publication year: Oct. 1984 
JST Material Number: Y0968A  ISSN: 0287-5330  Document type: Article
Article type: 文献レビュー  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Nursing,nursing services 
Reference (26):
  • 1) Johnson, D. E. : A philosophy of nursing, Nursing Outlook, 7 ( 4), 198-200, 1959. The nature of a science of nursing, Nursing Outlook, 7 (5), 291-294, 1959. The significance of nursing care, American Journal of Nursing, 61 (11), 63-66, 1961.
  • 2) Henderson, V. : Basic principles of nursing care, London I. C. N., 1960.
  • 3) Henderson, V. : The nature of nursing, 1966, 湯槇ます・小玉香津子, 看護論, 日本看護協会出版会, 1967.
  • 4) Orland, I. J. : The dynamic nurse-patient relationship, function, process and principles, 1961, 稲田八重子, 看護の探求, メヂカルフレンド新社, 1964.
  • 5) 日本医師会病院課 : 看護の必要度に関する実験的調査, 日本医師会雑誌, 49 (12), 1203, 1226, 1963.
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