J-GLOBAL ID:200902150646803571   Reference number:01A0539731

Highly Sensitive Determination of Plasma Cytokines by Time-Resolved Fluoroimmunoassay; Effect of Bicycle Exercise on Plasma Level of Interleukin-1α(IL-1α), Tumor Necrosis Factor α(TNFα), and Interferon γ(IFNγ).

時間分解蛍光イムノアッセイによる血しょうサイトカイン類の高感度定量 インターロイキン-1α(IL-1α),腫よう壊死因子α(TNF-α)及びインターフェロンγ(IFN-γ)の血しょう濃度に及ぼす自転車運動の影響
Author (4):
Volume: 17  Issue:Page: 593-597  Publication year: May. 10, 2001 
JST Material Number: G0673B  ISSN: 0910-6340  CODEN: ANSCEN  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Hormones,cytokines,bioactive peptides in general  ,  Physical analysis of organic compounds  ,  Sport medicine 
Reference (25):
  • 1. J. G. Cannon, J. Appl. Physiol., 1993, 74, 973.
  • 2. D. C. Nieman, Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 1998, 76, 573.
  • 3. G. Trinchieri, Adv. Immunol., 1989, 47, 187.
  • 4. C. Lopez, D. Kirkpatrick, S. Read, P. Fitzgerald, J. Pitt, and S. Pahwa, J. Infect., 1983, 197.
  • 5. M. Jondal and H. Pross, Int. J. Cancer, 1983, 15, 596.

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