J-GLOBAL ID:200902206897080965   Reference number:04A0792807


Author (9):
Volume: 51  Issue:Page: 1216-1220  Publication year: Oct. 08, 2004 
JST Material Number: S0450A  ISSN: 0916-7897  Document type: Proceedings
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Marine pollution  ,  Mercury and its compounds 
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Reference (7):
  • 財団法人日本公衆衛生協会 (2001): 水銀汚染対策マニュアル, 89p.
  • 柳瀬夏樹・多田彰秀・矢野真一郎・中村武弘・押川英夫・赤木洋勝 (2004): 水俣湾の流動構造に関する現地観測, 第59回土木学会年次講演会概要集, II, CD-ROM.
  • 矢野真一郎・多田彰秀・押川英夫・中村武弘・赤木洋勝・松山明人・冨安卓滋・Rudolf Rajar・Milena Horvat (2003): 水俣湾における底泥動態の現地観測, 海岸工学論文集, 第50巻, pp.1006-1010.
  • Francois, R. E. and G. R. Garrison (1982): Sound absorption based on ocean measurements. part II: Boric acid contribution and equation for total absorption, J. Accoust. Soc. Am., Vol.72, No.6, pp.1879-1890.
  • Haraguchi, K., T. Ando, M. Sato, C. Kawaguchi, T. Tomiyasu, M. Horvat and H. Akagi (2000): Detection of localized methylmercury contamination by use of the mussel adductor muscle in Minamata Bay and Kagoshima Bay, Japan, Sci. Total Environ., Vol.261, pp.75-89.
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