J-GLOBAL ID:200902258742883425   Reference number:09A1145089

放射線治療の現在 I.臨床 過酸化水素を用いた新しい酵素標的・増感放射線療法KORTUCの臨床応用の現状と展開

Author (5):
Volume: 41  Issue: 12  Page: 1214-1221,1207  Publication year: Nov. 01, 2009 
JST Material Number: L4220A  ISSN: 1346-1354  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Radiotherapy for tumors 
Reference (19):
  • Hall EJ (ed): The oxygen effect and reoxygenation. Radiobiology for the Radiologist.(5th edition), JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, pp91-111, 2000
  • Ogawa Y et al: Mechanism of apoptotic resistance of human osteosarcoma cell line, HS-Os-1, against irradiation. Int J Mol Med 12(4): 453-458, 2003
  • Ogawa Y et al: Apoptotic-resistance of the human osteosarcoma cell line HS-Os-1 to irradiation is converted to apoptotic-susceptibility by hydrogen peroxide: a potent role of hydrogen peroxide as a new radiosensitizer. Int J Mol Med 12(6): 845-850, 2003
  • Ogawa Y et al: Immunocytochemical characteristics of human osteosarcoma cell line HS-Os-1: Possible implication in apoptotic resistance against irradiation. Int J Mol Med 14(3): 397-403, 2004
  • Ogawa Y et al: New radiosensitization treatment (KORTUC I) using hydrogen peroxide solution-soaked gauze bolus for unresectable and superficially exposed neoplasms. Oncol Rep 19(6): 1389-1394, 2008

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