J-GLOBAL ID:200902266889399190   Reference number:06A0225427


Author (2):
Volume: 15  Issue:Page: 9-16  Publication year: Mar. 20, 2006 
JST Material Number: L2824A  ISSN: 1344-9923  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Nursing,nursing services 
Reference (12):
  • 1) UTENS E. M. Psychological distress and styles of coping in parents of children awaiting elective cardiac surgery. Cardiology in the Young. (2000) vol.10, no.3, p.239-244.
  • 2) STINON J. Mothers' Information Needs Related to Caring for Infants at Home Following Cardiac Surgery. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. (1995) vol.10, no.1, p.48-57.
  • 3) MADIGAN C. K. Development of a Family Liaison Model DURING OPERATIVE PROCEDURES. The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing. (1999) vol.24, no.4, p.185-189.
  • 4) MILES M. S. Testing a Theoretical Model : Correlates of Parental Stress Responses in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Maternal-Child Nursing Journal. (1989) vol.18, no.3, p.207-219.
  • 5) STRAUSS A. 質的研究の基礎 グラウンデッド セオリー開発の技法と手順. 医学書院. (2004)

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