J-GLOBAL ID:200903041619940141


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (1): 萩野 平 (外4名)
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):1998231851
Publication number (International publication number):2000063818
Application date: Aug. 18, 1998
Publication date: Feb. 29, 2000
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (6):
C09K 11/06 640 ,  C09K 11/06 645 ,  C09K 11/06 650 ,  C09K 11/06 655 ,  C09K 11/06 680 ,  H05B 33/14
FI (6):
C09K 11/06 640 ,  C09K 11/06 645 ,  C09K 11/06 650 ,  C09K 11/06 655 ,  C09K 11/06 680 ,  H05B 33/14 B
F-Term (15):
3K007AB00 ,  3K007AB02 ,  3K007AB03 ,  3K007AB06 ,  3K007AB12 ,  3K007AB13 ,  3K007AB18 ,  3K007BB00 ,  3K007CA01 ,  3K007CA05 ,  3K007CB01 ,  3K007DA00 ,  3K007DB03 ,  3K007EB00 ,  3K007FA01
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (10)
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Cited by examiner (13)
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