J-GLOBAL ID:200903088326404470


Applicant, Patent owner:
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):1998277896
Publication number (International publication number):2000103741
Application date: Sep. 30, 1998
Publication date: Apr. 11, 2000
【要約】 (修正有)【解決手段】阿仙薬、グァバの葉、メドウスィートの葉の溶媒抽出物を配合したリパーゼ阻害剤。【効果】上記のリパーゼ阻害剤は安全性が高く炭水化物の吸収を押さえ、肥満や心疾患、動脈硬化などを防ぐ。
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (8):
A61K 35/78 ADN ,  A61K 35/78 ABN ,  A61K 35/78 ABX ,  A61K 35/78 ACN ,  A61K 35/78 AED ,  A23L 1/30 ,  A23L 2/52 ,  A23L 2/38
FI (8):
A61K 35/78 ADN ,  A61K 35/78 ABN ,  A61K 35/78 ABX ,  A61K 35/78 ACN C ,  A61K 35/78 AED ,  A23L 1/30 B ,  A23L 2/38 C ,  A23L 2/00 F
F-Term (20):
4B017LE10 ,  4B017LG15 ,  4B017LL09 ,  4B017LP01 ,  4B018LB00 ,  4B018LB08 ,  4B018MD61 ,  4B018ME14 ,  4B018MF01 ,  4C088AB12 ,  4C088AB14 ,  4C088AB57 ,  4C088AC05 ,  4C088BA10 ,  4C088MA52 ,  4C088ZA36 ,  4C088ZA45 ,  4C088ZA70 ,  4C088ZC20 ,  4C088ZC33
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (4)
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Cited by examiner (4)
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Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (3) Cited by examiner (3)

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