Research field (2):
Biodiversity and systematics
, Ecology and environmental science
Research keywords (3):
, 系統分類学
, plant systematics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2019 - 2022 根圏生態系の季節変動から紐解く二毛作体系
2013 - 2016 Conservation of the endangered annual plant, Mitrasacme pygmaea R. Brown (Loganiaceae) : life history, ecology, germination traits and genetic diversity
2009 - 2011 Constructing a seed-image database of Japanese weed species and opening it on the WEB.
2008 - 2010 Presumption on phy I ogenetic reIationship between the dicoty I edons and the monocotyledons - the first stage for invest i gating the origin of the monocotyIedons-
2005 - 2006 Construction of a mega-scale molecular phylogenetic tree and establishment of a new taxonomic system based on both morphological and molecular data of the monocotyledons
Papers (23):
Samuele Voyron, Chiara Tonon, Laura Guglielmone, Luisella Celi, Cesare Comina, Hajime Ikeda, Naoko Matsumoto, Daniele Petrella, Joseph Ryan, Kazuhiro Sato, et al. Diversity and structure of soil fungal communities unveil the building history of a burial mound of ancient Japan (Tobiotsuka Kofun, Okayama Prefecture). Journal of Archaeological Science. 2022. 146. 105656-105656
Hiroshi Noda, Shizuka Fuse, Jun Yamashita, Manop Poopath, Rachun Pooma, Minoru N Tamura. Phylogenetic analysis of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae) from Japan and adjacent regions based on plastid and nuclear DNA sequences, with special reference to the taxonomic status of selected taxa. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2022. 198. 2. 186-214
Noda, H, Fuse, S, Yamashita, J, Pooma, R, Poopath, M, Tobe, H, Tamura, M. N. A revised infrageneric classification of Old World species of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae). Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica. 2020. 71. 3. 187-199
Shimono, A, Kanbe, H, Nakamura, S, Ueno, S, Yamashita, J, Asai, M. Initial invasion of glyphosate-resistant Amaranthus palmeri around grain-import ports in Japan. Plants, People, Planet. 2020. 2. 6. 640-648
Noda, H, Yamashita, J, Fuse, S, Pooma, R, Poopath, M, Tobe, H, Tamura, M. N. A large-scale phylogenetic analysis of Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), with reference to character evolution and subgeneric recognition. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica. 2020. 71. 2. 103-128
Wild plant seedbank of the Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University.
(International symposium: conservation of plant diversity in the east asia islands: toward strengthen the effectiveness of ex-situ conservation. 2019)
A review of the herbarium of Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University
(26th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference 2017)
Radiocesium concentration in panicles, leaves and stems of rice in a sandy-soil-dressed paddy field treated with different rates of cattle-manure compost in Kawamata, Fukushima.
(日本土壌肥料学会 2016年度大会 2016)