Research field (5):
Applied microbiology
, Ecology and environmental science
, Recycling systems and society
, Social-ecological systems
, Evolutionary biology
Topi Haataja, Henrik Hansson, Shigeharu Moriya, Mats Sandgren, Jerry Ståhlberg. The crystal structure of RsSymEG1 reveals a unique form of smaller GH7 endoglucanases alongside GH7 cellobiohydrolases in protist symbionts of termites. The FEBS journal. 2023
Hirokuni Miyamoto, Katsumi Shigeta, Wataru Suda, Yasunori Ichihashi, Naoto Nihei, Makiko Matsuura, Arisa Tsuboi, Naoki Tominaga, Masahiko Aono, Muneo Sato, et al. An agroecological structure model of compost-soil-plant interactions for sustainable organic farming. ISME Communications. 2023. 3. 1
Futo Asano, Arisa Tsuboi, Shigeharu Moriya, Tamotsu Kato, Naoko Tsuji, Teruno Nakaguma, Hiroshi Ohno, Hirokuni Miyamoto, Hiroaki Kodama. Amendment of a thermophile-fermented compost to humus improves the growth of female larvae of the Hercules beetle Dynastes hercules (Coleoptera: scarabaeidae). Journal of applied microbiology. 2022
Hirokuni Miyamoto, Nobuhiro Kawachi, Atsushi Kurotani, Wataru Suda, Shigeharu Moriya, Arisa Tsuboi, Makiko Matsuura, Teruno Nakaguma, Chitose Ishii, Naoko Tsuji, et al. Estimation of symbiotic bacterial structure in a sustainable seagrass ecosystem on recycled management. 2022
Hirokuni Miyamoto, Katsumi Shigeta, Wataru Suda, Yasunori Ichihashi, Naoto Nihei, Makiko Matsuura, Arisa Tsuboi, Naoki Tominaga, Masahiko Aono, Muneo Sato, et al. Agricultural quality matrix-based multiomics structural analysis of carrots in soils fertilized with thermophile-fermented compost. 2022
Hirokuni Miyamoto, Wataru Suda, Hiroaki Kodama, Hideyuki Takahashi, Yumiko Nakanishi, Shigeharu Moriya, Kana Adachi, Nao Kiriyama, Masaya Wada, Daisuke Sudo, et al. A novel sustainable role of compost as a universal protective substitute for fish, chicken, pig, and cattle, and its estimation by structural equation modeling. 2022
山北絵理, 中嶋悟, 守屋繁春. Sulfur-containing organic boundaries between mosses and limestones observed by combined microscopic analytical methods. 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web). 2020. 67th
齋藤悠香, 平松紳吾, 山田千晶, 山田勝成, 小田切正人, 守屋繁春. Heterologous expression and characterization of a β-glucosidase from a symbiotic protist of the lower termite. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2020. 2020