J-GLOBAL ID:201202248108971915   Reference number:12A1070529

Rice false smut pathogen, Ustilaginoidea virens, invades through small gap at the apex of a rice spikelet before heading

稲麹病病原体であるUstilaginoidea virensは出穂前にイネの小穂頂点の小さな間隙を通って侵入する
Author (4):
Volume: 78  Issue:Page: 255-259  Publication year: Jul. 2012 
JST Material Number: L3961A  ISSN: 1345-2630  CODEN: NSBGAM  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Germany, Federal Republic of (DEU)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Rice cropping  ,  Plant diseases caused by fungi  ,  Physiology and pathogenicity of microbial infection 

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