J-GLOBAL ID:201202261767263290   Reference number:12A0439570

Phylogenetic relationships of Mongolian Babesia bovis isolates based on the merozoite surface antigen (MSA)-1, MSA-2b, and MSA-2c genes

分裂小体表面抗原(MSA)-1,MSA-2bとMSA-2c遺伝子に基づくモンゴルのBabesia bovis分離株の系統学的関係
Author (7):
Volume: 184  Issue: 2-4  Page: 309-316  Publication year: 2012 
JST Material Number: A1194A  ISSN: 0304-4017  Document type: Article
Country of issue: Netherlands (NLD)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)

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