J-GLOBAL ID:201202262276815573   Reference number:12A1565812

Development of the Unmanned Small Scout Robot

Author (5):
Volume: 78  Issue: 793  Page: 3267-3278 (WEB ONLY)  Publication year: 2012 
JST Material Number: U0184A  ISSN: 1884-8354  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Motion and control of robots 
Reference (14):
  • (1) 妻木俊道,“危険作業ロボット”,日本ロボット学会誌, Vol.18,No.7(2000),pp.946-950.
  • (2) “xBot prepares to enter the field”, unmanned VEHICLES, Vol.13,No.2(2008),pp.12-14.
  • (3) Brian Yamauchi, “Wayfarer: An Autonomous Navigation Payload for the PackBot”, Proceedings of AUVSI Unmanned Vehicles North America(2005).
  • (4) W. Lee, S. Kang, M. Kim, and M, Park, “ROBHAZ-DT3 Teleoperated Mobile Platform with Passively Adaptive Double-Track for Hazardous Environment Applications“, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ IROS, Vol.1(2004),pp.33-38.
  • (5) REMOTEC SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGIES, Remotec Westinghouse, <i>‘ANDROS’ series catalogue</i>(1995).
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