J-GLOBAL ID:201202274189794150   Reference number:12A1051451

瀬戸内海備讃瀬戸海域から得られたドングリシャミセンガイLingula rostrum(SHAW,1798)の記録

Author (6):
Volume: 54  Issue:Page: 19-21  Publication year: Jun. 30, 2012 
JST Material Number: L7435A  ISSN: 0389-7842  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Fisheries animals other than fishes  ,  Population ecology  ,  Research methods in zoology 
Reference (12):
  • ADAMS, A.. 1863 : On the genera and species of recent Brachiopods found in the seas of Japan. Annal and magazine of natural history,including zoology, botany and geology. 3rd series, 11 (63) , 98-101.
  • 明石英幹・藤原宗弘.高砂一義.吉松定昭・久保田 信.2008:燧灘で再確認された生きたシャミセンガイの一種Lingula sp.(腕足動物門)上南紀生物,50(1),158 -160.
  • CALS, P. and C. C. EMIG. 1979 : Lingules d'Amboine, Lingula reevei DAVIDSON et Lingula rostrum (SHAW), donnees ecologiques et taxonomiques concernant les problemes de speciation et de repartition. Cahiers de 1'Indo-Pacifique, Paris, 1 (2), 153-164.
  • 愛媛新聞社,2004:ネットワーク四国,高校生が絶滅種発見.四国新聞,2004年(平成16年)4月30日.
  • HATAT, K.. 1940: The cenozoic Brachiopoda of Japan. Science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd series, Geology, 20, 1-413 +pls.I-XII.
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