- 2024 - 2028 Investigation of the Impact on Climate Change via a 4-Dimensional Assessment of Material Circulation and Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity in the Antarctic Troposphere
- 2023 - 2027 氷床コア中の過酸化水素の酸素同位体組成を用いた産業革命前の対流圏オゾン濃度の復元
- 2018 - 2023 Study on physics and layers of ice cores containing information of climate change over the past 720 k-years, and study on the "oldest ice"
- 2018 - 2023 Construction of world’s most reliable deposited-aerosol database on the Anthropocene (from 1850 to 2020)
- 2016 - 2020 Recent surface darkening and abrupt melting of Greenland ice sheet (SIGMA2)
- 2016 - 2019 Sulfur and nitrogen isotopes in a single particle of sulfate and nitrate aerosols in polar ice cores
- 2016 - 2019 Paleoenvironmental reconstruction using Alaskan permafrost ground ice
- 2014 - 2019 Evaluation of anthropogenic air temperature change by using past aerosols in a Greenlandic ice core.
- 2014 - 2018 Climate analysis using sulfur stable isotope ratio from Antarctic snow and ice core
- 2014 - 2016 Chemical compositions of soluble inclusions in cold snowfall
- 2010 - 2016 Warming events and their impacts during the past 150,000 years viewed from Greenland ice
- 2012 - 2015 Physical processes of formation of climate signals in deposited snow in inland plateau of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- 2011 - 2012 Past atmospheric characteristics of glacial and interglacial periods reconstructed from aerosol compositions preserved in bipolar ice cores.
- 2009 - 2012 Study on the global environmental change with the various time scales by the various analysis of ice cores
- 2009 - 2010 reconstruction of aerosol components in Dome Fuji ice core recent 720kyr
- 2008 - 2010 Physical mechanisms for formation of strata at the surface of the ice sheet in the interior of the Antarctic ice sheet, and remote sensing for them with radio waves
- 2007 - 2009 Reconstruct of depositions of terrestrial materials into the northern North Pacific by ice-core analysis
- 2007 - 2008 Paleoclimatic reconstruction on inter-annual scale of interglacials analyzed by Dome Fuji ice core, Antractica
- 2003 - 2007 Study on abrupt climate and environment changes during glacial cycles by high time resolution anlalyzes of polar ice cores.
- 2004 - 2006 氷床コア中無機イオン濃度の高時間分解能解析による完新世・最終氷期の季節変動解読
- 2002 - 2006 Physical processes in polar ice sheets and high resolution analyses of Earth's history in climatic and environmental changes
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