J-GLOBAL ID:201301038908215093
Update date: Oct. 25, 2021
Tetsu Akiyama
アキヤマ テツ | Tetsu Akiyama
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (4):
, Medical biochemistry
, Human pathology
, Experimental pathology
Research keywords (29):
, がん遺伝子
, 細胞周期
, 癌抑制遺伝子
, チロシンキナーゼ
, p53
, シグナル伝達
, 癌遺伝子
, トランスフォ-メ-ション
, Wntシグナル
, アポトーシス
, β-catenin
, 癌
, がん細胞
, Wilms腫瘍
, 細胞運動
, WT1
, 増殖
, 分化
, 細胞膜裏打ち蛋白質
, G蛋白質
, TGF-β
, 転写因子
, 白血病
, Dlg
Papers (30):
Kosuke Funato, Tomoatsu Hayashi, Kanae Echizen, Lumi Negishi, Naomi Shimizu, Ryo Koyama-Nasu, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Yasuyuki Morishita, Viviane Tabar, Tomoki Todo, et al. SIRT2-mediated inactivation of p73 is required for glioblastoma tumorigenicity. EMBO reports. 2018. 19. 11
Oda T, Yamazumi Y, Hiroko T, Kamiya A, Kiriya S, Suyama S, Shiozaki-Sato Y, Akiyama T. Mex-3B induces apoptosis by inhibiting miR-92a access to the Bim-3'UTR. Oncogene. 2018. 37. 38. 5233-5247
Tsutomu Nakamura, Fumika Sakaue, Yukiko Nasu-Nishimura, Yasuko Takeda, Ken Matsuura, Tetsu Akiyama. The Autism-Related Protein PX-RICS Mediates GABAergic Synaptic Plasticity in Hippocampal Neurons and Emotional Learning in Mice. EBioMedicine. 2018. 34. 189-200
Asuka Morikawa, Tomoatsu Hayashi, Mana Kobayashi, Yuki Kato, Katsuhiko Shirahige, Takehiko Itoh, Mitsuyoshi Urashima, Aikou Okamoto, Tetsu Akiyama. Somatic copy number alterations have prognostic impact in patients with ovarian clear cell carcinoma. Oncology reports. 2018. 40. 1. 309-318
Masaya Miyamoto, Tomoatsu Hayashi, Yoshihiro Kawasaki, Tetsu Akiyama. Sp5 negatively regulates the proliferation of HCT116 cells by upregulating the transcription of p27. Oncology Letters. 2018. 15. 3. 4005-4009
Work history (2):
- 2018 - 現在 The University of Tokyo
- 1998 - 2018 The University of Tokyo Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
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