J-GLOBAL ID:201402218519419804   Reference number:14A0273149

Topics on Mineral & Chemical Admixture for Concrete I: Expansion of Effective Use of Fly-Ash

最新のコンクリート用混和材料 1.大量のフライアッシュをどう使って行くか
Author (4):
Volume: 63  Issue:Page: 79-86 (J-STAGE)  Publication year: 2014 
JST Material Number: F0385A  ISSN: 0514-5163  CODEN: ZARYA  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Recycling of resources  ,  Research and development 
Reference (12):
  • 1) Coal Energy Center, “Coal ash survey report in 2009” (2009).
  • 2) The Society of Materials Science, Handbook of concrete admixture, pp.289-299(2004).
  • 3) Japan Industrial association of ready mixed concrete, “Questionnaire about the quality of concrete aggregate ”, Journal of the concrete techno, Japan, Vol.31, No.8, pp.77-85 (2012).
  • 4) Japan Cement Association, “Data base of Cement Product” (2012).
  • 5) K. Torii, “Improvements in the durability of the concrete by practical use of fly ash-The measure and information dissemination of Hokuriku District on ASR problem”, Electric Power Engineering, No.357, pp.11-15 (2012).
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