J-GLOBAL ID:201410096725635648   Research Resource code:NBDC00051 Update date:Jul. 08, 2019

eF-site: electrostatic surface of Functional-site

eF-site: electrostatic surface of Functional-site
Owning Organization:
  • Osaka University Institute for Protein Research
Resource classification: Data,Database
Tag (subject)  (1): Protein
Tag (data type)  (2): Sequence ,  3D structure
eF-site is a database of molecular surfaces and electrostatic potentials for structures in the PDB that allows users to identify active sites and predict molecular recognition mechanisms to infer protein function. The molecular surfaces, with both electrostatic and hydrophobic properties, can be calculated for individual protein subunits, protein complexes, and/or dsDNA in protein-DNA complexes.
Source: NBDC
Record maintainer: Integbio Database Catalog
Record license: Creative Commons CC0 license

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