J-GLOBAL ID:201502264962631696   Reference number:15A0585317

Purchase Frequency and Double Jeopardy in Credit Card: A Study on the Relationship between Continuous Transactions and Profitability in Services

クレジットカードにおける購買頻度とDouble Jeopardy:サービス業における継続取引と収益性に関する研究
Author (1):
Volume: 60  Issue: 1/2  Page: 17-32  Publication year: Mar. 25, 2015 
JST Material Number: G0620A  ISSN: 0286-2212  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Marketing research,advertisement  ,  Profit management 
Reference (43):
  • Aeron, H., Bhaskar, T., Sundararajan, R., Kumar, A. and Moorthy, J. (2008), "A Metric for Customer Lifetime Value of Credit Card Customers," Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 15 (3),153-168.
  • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (2002), Annual Report 2001.
  • Barwise, T. and Ehrenberg, A. (1987), "The Liking and Viewing of Regular TV Series." Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (1),63-70.
  • Bound J. (2009), "User's Guide to DIRICHLET," Marketing Bulletin (Massey University), 14, Technical Note 1, (
  • Blattberg, R. and Deighton, J. (1996), "Manage Marketing by the Customer Equity," Harvard Business Review, 74, 136-144.

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