J-GLOBAL ID:201601005595652060
Update date: Nov. 29, 2024
Waki Miyoko
ワキ ミヨコ | Waki Miyoko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Principal Researcher
Other affiliations (1):
Research field (1):
Environmental load reduction/restoration technology
Research keywords (4):
Cu Zn removal
, Nitrogen removal
, Livestock wastewater treatment
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
- 2022 - 2027 活性汚泥処理の最適化と新規窒素除去反応アナモックスの利用による畜産廃水処理技術の高度化
- 2022 - 2026 養豚排水からの新規リン回収技術の開発
- 2022 - 2025 下水処理の脱炭素化と高度化に資する人工湿地技術の開発とパイロットスケールでの検証
- 2018 - 2023 総合的な悪臭低減、臭気拡散防止技術の開発
- 2019 - 2022 活性汚泥処理の最適化と新規窒素除去反応アナモックスの利用による畜産廃水処理技術の高度化
- 2016 - 2019 活性汚泥モデルと新規窒素除去反応アナモックスの利用による畜産廃水処理技術の高度化
- 2015 - 2018 Relationship between vegetation and N transformation microbe like ANAMMOX in the wastewater treatment system
- 2014 - 2017 Application of ANAMMOX reaction to improve nitrogen purification of hybrid subsurface flow constructed wetland systems
- 2012 - 2015 Distribution of ANAMMOX activity in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment and effects of physico-chemical conditions on the activity
- 2012 - 2015 Anammox coupling with nitrate reduction for livestock wastewater treatment
- 2009 - 2012 公共用水域・地下水中窒素を低減するための畜産廃水からの窒素除去技術の開発
- 2008 - 2012 農業・農村域を発生源とする亜鉛等重金属の水域生態系に与えるリスクの評価(畜産業における亜鉛等負荷削減のための汚水中濃度低減化技術の開発)
- 2007 - 2009 Survey of microbial organisms for nitrogen removal in poultry manure
Show all
Papers (46):
Tomoko YASUDA, Yasuyuki FUKUMOTO, Kazutaka KURODA, Dai HANAJIMA, Miyoko WAKI, Kazuyoshi SUZUKI. Nitrogen Fate and Adaptation of the Microbial Community Responsible for Ammonia Removal in a Biofilter Treating Waste Gas from Livestock Manure Composting. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly: JARQ. 2022. 56. 1. 25-32
Miyoko Waki, Chikako Ishimoto, Ryu Suto, Takafumi Nagamine, Toshimi Matsumoto, Hirohide Uenishi, Tomoko Yasuda, Yasuyuki Fukumoto. An Analysis of Operation Conditions and Microbial Characteristics in Swine Wastewater Treatment Plants with Spontaneously Enriched Anammox Bacteria. Processes. 2021. 9. 6. 1010-1010
Chikako Ishimoto, Miyoko Waki, Satoshi Soda. Adaptation of anammox granules in swine wastewater treatment to low temperatures at a full-scale simultaneous partial nitrification, anammox, and denitrification plant. Chemosphere. 2021. 282. 131027-131027
Tomoko Yasuda, Miyoko Waki, Yasuyuki Fukumoto, Hiroaki Saito, Hiroki Yokojima. Odorous Compound Removal Performance and Water Properties of a Biotrickling Filter Installed in a Piggery. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 2021. 37. 4. 563-572
Miyoko Waki, Tomoko Yasuda, Yasuyuki Fukumoto, Fabrice Béline, Albert Magrí. Numerical assessment of nitrogen removal from swine wastewater in activated sludge systems: Comparison between continuous and intermittent aeration. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2020. 11
MISC (41):
MIYOKO WAKI, CHIKAKO ISHIMOTO. Current Status and Issues with Conventional Technology and Anammox Treatment in Nitrogen Removal from Swine Wastewater. Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology. 2022. 58. 4. 115-126
Topics of Treatment and Effective Use of Livestock Waste. 2021. 63. 4. 285-290
和木美代子, 石本史子, 須藤立, 長峰孝文, 松本敏美, 上西博英, 安田知子, 福本泰之. 養豚廃水処理施設に自然発生し優占化するアナモックス菌の特徴. 農研機構畜産研究部門成果情報(Web). 2021. 2021
石本史子, 和木美代子, 惣田訓. Effect of Temperature on Anammox Activity of Anammox Granules in a Swine Wastewater Treatment Plant. 日本水環境学会年会講演集. 2021. 55th
石本史子, 和木美代子, 惣田訓. アナモックス菌が集積される養豚廃水処理施設におけるばっ気量制御による冬季の窒素除去の安定. 日本水処理生物学会誌 別巻. 2021. 41
Patents (8):
Education (3):
- 2002 - 2005 Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering
- 1995 - 1997 Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Biotechnology
- 1991 - 1995 Osaka University School of Engineering Department of Biotechnology
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 2016/04 - 現在 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science Principal Researcher
- 2005/04 - 2016/03 National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science Senior researcher
- 2001/04 - 2005/03 National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science Researcher
Awards (4):
- 2019/11 - The 4th International Anammox Symposium Plenary Presentation Award 「Characteristics of anammox biofilms in the activated sludge treatment process in swine farms」
- 2013/06 - The 2nd Intenational Anammox symposium Best Presentation Award 「Rate Determination of ANAMMOX Activity in a Constructed Wetland」
- 2010/11 - 財団法人 農学会 第45回日本農学進歩賞 「メタン脱窒・アナモックス反応による畜産廃水の窒素除去技術開発」
- 2009/09 - 第6回畜産技術協会賞 「結晶化法による豚舎汚水中リン除去回収および利用技術開発」
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本畜産学会
, 日本微生物生態学会
, 日本生物工学会
, 日本水処理生物学会
, 日本水環境学会
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