J-GLOBAL ID:201601011882582820   Update date: Sep. 09, 2024

KIMURA Toshiyuki

KIMURA Toshiyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Principal Scientist
Research field  (1): Food sciences
Research keywords  (4): 食品開発 ,  吸収・代謝 ,  分取 ,  分析
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2019 - 2022 Evaluation of organ accumulation and metabolism of 1-deoxynojirimycin by long-term administration
  • 2016 - 2019 Preparation of 15N labled 1-deoxynojirimycin and evaluation of its absorption and organ migration
  • 2012 - 2014 Identification and application of vitamin E synthesis gene for tocotrienol production.
  • 2011 - 2013 Mass production of 15N labeled DNJ to evaluate the absorption and excretion of 1-deoxynojirimycin
Papers (57):
  • Soo Takasu, Isabella Supardi Parida, Yoshihiro Kojima, Toshiyuki Kimura, Kiyotaka Nakagawa. Evaluation and development of a novel pre-treatment method for mulberry leaves to enhance their bioactivity via enzymatic degradation of GAL-DNJ to DNJ. Food & function. 2021
  • Yamaguchi Hiromichi, Kusa Kanako, Kimura Toshiyuki. Demonstration of a High Yielding, Labor-Saving, and Sustainable Method for the Production of Feed Rice Using Sparse Plantings of Oonari in the Nasu Area of Northern Tochigi Prefecture. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. 2021. 90. 3. 334-342
  • Masuko Kobori, Yukari Akimoto, Yumiko Takahashi, Toshiyuki Kimura. Combined Effect of Quercetin and Fish Oil on Oxidative Stress in the Liver of Mice Fed a Western-Style Diet. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2020. 68. 46. 13267-13275
  • Soo Takasu, Isabella S. Parida, Junya Ito, Yoshihiro Kojima, Takahiro Eitsuka, Toshiyuki Kimura, Kiyotaka Nakagawa. Intestinal Absorption and Tissue Distribution of Aza-Sugars from Mulberry Leaves and Evaluation of Their Transport by Sugar Transporters. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2020. 68. 24. 6656-6663
  • 中島郁世, 田賀千尋, 青山勝也, 成田卓美, 渡邊源哉, 本山三知代, 八日市屋敏之, 斉藤真二, 山口弘道, 草佳那子, et al. 半導体イオンセンサ電極による豚肉pH測定値はガラス電極による測定値より高値を示す. 日本養豚学会誌. 2020. 印刷中
MISC (212):
  • 中溝莉緒, 高須蒼生, PARIDA Isabella Supardi, 伊藤隼哉, 鈴木誠一郎, 須藤圭一, 江坂幸宏, 木村俊之, 仲川清隆. Isolation and identification of aza-sugars in a mulberry family leaf by LC-MS/MS. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 2023
  • 高須蒼生, 中溝莉緒, SUPARDI Parida Isabella, 伊藤隼哉, 鈴木誠一郎, 須藤圭一, 江坂幸宏, 江坂幸宏, 木村俊之, 仲川清隆. イオンモビリティー質量分析でのイミノ糖立体異性体の分析. 日本分析化学会年会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 72nd
  • 高須蒼生, 近添礼佳, 中溝莉緒, PRIDA Isabella Supardi, 須藤圭一, 鈴木誠一郎, 江坂幸宏, 木村俊之, 仲川清隆. Evaluation of the separation of imino sugars in the plants of the family Moraceae using hydrophilic interaction chromatography. 日本薬学会年会要旨集(Web). 2022. 142nd
  • 高須蒼生, PARIDA Isabella S., 田中福代, 山岸賢治, 伊藤隼哉, 木村俊之, 仲川清隆. Evaluation of pharmacokinetics of 1-deoxynojirimycin using stable isotope tracer analysis. 日本農芸化学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2021. 2021
  • 村上斉, 田島清, 保科和夫, 安藤順一, 井上寛暁, 大森英之, 芦原茜, 佐々木啓介, 中島郁世, 木村俊之, et al. 飼料用米を活用した豚肉の低コスト生産・高付加価値化. 農研機構畜産研究部門成果情報(Web). 2020. 2020
Patents (9):
Education (3):
  • - 2007 東北大学大学院 農学研究科学位取得
  • - 1993 東北大学大学院 農学研究科博士課程前期修了
  • - 1991 Tohoku University Faculty of Agriculture
Work history (4):
  • - 2016/04 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  • - 2013/04 National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  • - 2001/04 独立行政法人 農業技術研究機構 東北農業研究センター 研究員
  • - 1993/04 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Awards (1):
  • 2009/09 - 日本食品科学工学会 奨励賞 親水クロマトグラフィー蒸発型光散乱検出(HILIC-ELSD)法の開発と桑葉食材への適用に関する研究
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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