J-GLOBAL ID:201702256378055098   Reference number:17A0759031

A comprehensive meta-analysis on dietary flavonoid and lignan intake and cancer risk: Level of evidence and limitations

食事性フラボノイドとリグナンの摂取量および癌リスクの包括的メタ分析:証拠と限界のレベル【Powered by NICT】
Author (14):
Volume: 61  Issue:Page: ROMBUNNO.201600930  Publication year: 2017 
JST Material Number: H0535A  ISSN: 1613-4125  CODEN: MNFRCV  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Germany, Federal Republic of (DEU)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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JST classification (5):
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Food chemistry,nutritional value  ,  Vegetables and processed vegetable products  ,  Animal metabolism and nutrition in general  ,  Oncology in general  ,  Basic oncology in general 
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