J-GLOBAL ID:201702265550601302   Reference number:17A0241461

Multiple objective optimization of the prosthetic foot structure based on biomechanical evidence for the jumping movements of a trans-femoral amputee

経大腿切断者の跳躍運動の生体力学的証拠に基づく義足構造の多目的最適化【Powered by NICT】
Author (2):
Volume: 2016  Issue: SII  Page: 301-306  Publication year: 2016 
JST Material Number: W2441A  Document type: Proceedings
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: United States (USA)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Since the number of trans-femo...
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Prosthesis(=artificial substitutes for body part) 

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