Research field (3):
Disaster prevention engineering
, Solid earth science
, Sociology/history of science and technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2020 - 2023 社会構成主義的認知理論に基づいた災害科学コミュニケーションの確立
2019 - 2023 学校における参加型地震防災学習を通じたサイエンスコミュニケーションの研究
2019 - 2022 学校における参加型地震防災学習を通じたサイエンスコミュニケーションの研究
Papers (9):
Takuya Iwahori, Ami Pareek, Mamoru Fujita, Satoko Oki. At the Intersection of Multicultural Policy Environment of Latin America and Japanese Experience of Disaster Prevention Workshops: Narrative Approach to People's Understandings of Disasters, Role of Communicators, and Indigenous Knowledge - Modern Science Interaction in Mexico and Peru. 2022. 21. 2. 144-167
岩堀 卓弥, 中野 元太, 矢守 克也. 日本とメキシコの地震リスク認知の欠落を相互補完するサイエンスコミュニケーション-Science Communication That Mutually Complements the Blind Spots of Earthquake Risk Perception between Japan and Mexico. 自然災害科学 = Journal of Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science. 2022. 40. 4. 465-481
岩堀 卓弥, 矢守 克也, 城下 英行, 飯尾 能久, 米田 格. The Knowledge Transmission Model and the Participation to Practice Model in the Disaster Education Field : A Case Study. 災害情報 = Journal of disaster information studies : 日本災害情報学会誌. 2016. 14. 140-153
HATAYAMA, Michinori, YAMORI, Katsuya, ONISHI, Masamitsu, LEE, Fuhsing, IWAHORI, Takuya, MIYAMOTO, Takumi, ARAKI, Yuko. Present and Future Research in Disaster Reduction Systems (2). Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. A. 2018. 61. A. 50-62
畑山満則, 矢守克也, Ana-Maria Cruz, 林春男, 横松宗太, 大西正光, 李フシン, 岩堀卓弥. Present and Future Research in Disaster Reduction Systems. 京都大学防災研究所年報A(CD-ROM). 2017. 60. 171-180
Books (2):
Disaster risk communication : a challenge from a social psychological perspective
Springer 2020 ISBN:9789811323171