J-GLOBAL ID:201902287564481596   Reference number:19A1240664

Records of a callianassid ghost shrimp Paratrypaea bouvieri from Kochi and Tokushima Prefecture, Japan

Author (4):
Issue: 12  Page: 51-53  Publication year: Mar. 31, 2019 
JST Material Number: L7485A  ISSN: 1349-4945  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Autecology  ,  Population ecology 
Reference (7):
  • Dworschak, P. C. 2012. On the identities of Cal-lianassa bouvieri Nobili, 1904, C. maldivensis Borradaile, 1904, and C. gravieri Nobili, 1905 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Callianassidae) a mor-phometric approach. Zootaxa, 3149: 39-56.
  • Dworschak, P. C. and P. Pervesler. 1988. Burrows of Callianassa bouvieri Nobili 1904 from Safaga (Egypt, Red Sea) with some remarks on the biology of the species. Senckenbergiana Mariti-ma, 20: 1-17.
  • 邉見由美・伊谷 行.2015.高知県浦ノ内湾におけるブビエスナモグリの記録.南紀生物,57:107-109.
  • 邉見由美・伊谷 行.2018.ブビエスナモグリ.(高知県レッドデータブック(動物編)改定委員会(編):高知県レッドデータブック2018動物編),pp.133.高知県林業振興・環境部環境共生課,高知.
  • Komai, T. and Fujita, Y. 2014. New record of a callianassid ghost shrimp Paratrypaea mal-divensis (Borradaile, 1904) (Crustacea: De-capoda: Axiidea) from subtidal flats in Okinawa-jima Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Fauna Ryukyuana, 8: 1-7.
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