J-GLOBAL ID:202002289928288414   Reference number:20A0176832

Factors Affecting a Fauna of Aquatic Insects in Swimming Pools of Schools in the Southern Part of Nagasaki, Japan

Author (4):
Volume: 63  Issue:Page: 163-173(J-STAGE)  Publication year: 2019 
JST Material Number: F0918A  ISSN: 0021-4914  CODEN: NIPTAR  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Animal taxonomy  ,  Research methods in zoology  ,  Population ecology 
Reference (26):
  • 深川元太郎(2015) 長崎県の大型水生カメムシ類の記録3. こがねむし80:41-48.[Fukagawa, G.(2015) Records of water scorpion(Belostomatidae, Nepiteda)in Nagasaki, Kyusyu, Japan(Part 3). Koganemushi 80:41-48.]
  • 深川元太郎・伊藤雅男(2012) 長崎県のコガタノゲンゴロウ採集記録.こがねむし78:1-5.[Fukagawa, G. and M. Ito(2012) Record of Cybister tripunctatus orientalis in Nagasaki. Koganemushi 78:1-5.]
  • 日比伸子(1994) 虫たちの集う池.昆虫と自然29:19-20.[Hibi, N.(1994) Insects sharing irrigation ponds. The Nature and Insects 29:19-20.]
  • 環境省(編)(2015) レッドデータブック2014 -日本の絶滅の恐れのある野生生物- 5 昆虫類.ぎょうせい,東京.509 pp.[Ministry of the Environment(ed.)(2015) Red Data Book 2014-Threatened Wildlife of Japan-Volume 5, Insecta. Gyosei Co., Tokyo. 509 pp.]
  • Klein Goldewijk, K.(2001) Estimating global land use change over the past 300 years: the HYDE database. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15:417-434.
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