J-GLOBAL ID:202102254030430172   Reference number:21A0454203

Social Acceptance Approach on the Policy Preference of the High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW) Disposal Policy-Analysis of the Experimental Public Meetings

Author (4):
Volume: 34  Page: 246-251(J-STAGE)  Publication year: Dec. 07, 2020 
JST Material Number: U2086A  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (1):
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Radioactive wastes 
Reference (23):
  • 1 藤垣裕子(2008)第12章 市民参加と科学コミュニケーション.『科学コミュニケーション論』(藤垣裕子・廣野善幸編編著),pp.239-255,東京大学出版会, 東京.
  • 2 藤垣裕子(2019)科学技術社会論からみたリスクコミュニケーション-幅のある情報発信と市民の分断,そしてRRIをめぐって-,安全工学,Vol.58, No.6, pp.419-425.
  • 3 Gaede, J., Rowlands, I.H., (2018) Visualizing social acceptance research A bibliometric review of the social acceptance literature for energy technology and fuels, <i>Energy Research & Social Science,</i> 40, 142-158.
  • 4 Gregory, R and P. Slovic (1997) A constructive approach to environmental valuation, Ecological Economics, 21, pp.175-181.
  • 5 Krutli, P., Flueler, T., Stauffacher, M., Wiek, A., Scholz, R.W., (2010) Technical safety vs. public involvement? A case study on the unrealized project for the disposal of nuclear waste at Wellenberg (Switzerland), Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 3, 229?244.

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