Larch forest ecosystems in the permafrost zone of Siberia - The role of ectomycorrhiza in boreal forest ecosystem: a forestry perspective
Springer-Verlarg 2009
Effect of hydrogel and phosphorus core on ectomycorrhizal colonization of oak seedlings in dry condition.
(日本森林学会第130回大会 2019)
Effect of particle size on the 137Cs vertical distribustion in forest soils of different organic matter contents
(日本森林学会第130回大会 2019)
The influence of organic condition on the vertical distribution pattern of 137Cs within the forest soils in Fukushima following the nuclear power plant accident
(the South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association (SPERA) Conference 2018 2018)
The Korea Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
, 日本森林学会
, 日本菌学会
, Korean Society of Forest Sceince
, 日本生態学会
, The Ecological Society of Korea
, 日本光合成研究会
, 菌根研究会
, 日本緑化工学会
, 韓国生態学会
, 韓国林学会