Ultrastructural cytochemistry of cartilage proteoglycans and their relation to the cal-cification process. In : Ultrastructure of skeletal Tissues. Bone and Cartilage in Health and Disease
Cytochemistry of complex carbohydrates by light and electron microscopy: Available methods and their application. In: Connective Tissue Diseases. In: International Academy of Pathology Monograph (edited Wagnar, B.M., Fleischmajer, R. and Kaufman, N.).
, 歯科基礎医学会
, 日本解剖学会
, 日本骨代謝学会
, 日本大学歯学会
, 国際歯科研究学会日本部会
, The International Association for Dental Research
, The Histochemical Society
, 日本硬組織研究技術学会
, 日本歯周病学会