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吉田 祐治. 1-E-1 A Risk-Minimizing Problem under Uncertainty in Portfolio. 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会秋季研究発表会アブストラクト集. 2007. 2007. 84-85
‘Advances in Dynamic Games: Applications to Economics, Finance, Optimization, and Stochastic Control’ の 第10章 ‘Stopping Game Problem for Dynamic Fuzzy Systems’ (Y.Yoshida, M.Yasuda, J.Nakagami and M.Kurano)
Birkhauser 2005
The Chapter 10 ‘Stopping Game Problem for Dynamic Fuzzy Systems’ (Y.Yoshida, M.Yasuda, J.Nakagami and M.Kurano) in the book ‘Advances in Dynamic Games: Applications to Economics, Finance, Optimization, and Stochastic Control’
Birkhauser 2005
‘Game Theory and Applications, Volume 9’ の 第17章 ‘The Mean Value with Evaluation Measures and a Zero-Sum Stopping Game with Fuzzy Values’ (Y.Yoshida, M.Yasuda, J.Nakagami and M.Kurano)
Nova Sci. Publishers 2003
‘Multi-Objective Programming and Goal-Programming’ の 第III-16章 ‘A Discrete-Time European Options Model under Uncertainty in Financial Engineering’ (Y.Yoshida)
Springer, Heidelberg 2003
The Chapter 17 ‘The Mean Value with Evaluation Measures and a Zero-Sum Stopping Game with Fuzzy Values’ (Y.Yoshida, M.Yasuda, J.Nakagami and M.Kurano) in the book ‘Game Theory and Applications, Volume 9’
Nova Sci. Publishers 2003
An optimal process for average value-at-risk portfolios in financial management
(Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 2018)
Portfolios optimization with coherent risk measures in fuzzy asset management
(5th International Symposium on Computational and Business Intelligence, ISCBI 2017 2017)
Dynamic optimization of value-at-risk portfolios with fuzziness in asset management
(7th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, ICICIP 2016 - Proceedings 2017)
Weighted Quasi-Arithmetic Means on Two-Dimensional Regions and Their Applications
(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 9321 ‘Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence - MDAI2015’ 2015)
A Decision Process with Portfolios for Value-at-Risks
(Proceedings ‘the 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014- ICNAAM2014’ 2015)