- 2023/06 - 日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門 第27回功績賞
- 2021/03 - 日本機械学会東海支部 2020年度日本機械学会東海支部功労賞
- 2019/11 - The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (2019/11/1-3, Taipei, Taiwan) Best Poster Award Clearing of Xenopus laevis Tailbud Embryos and Quantification of their 3D-tissue Structure toward Finite Element Analysis
- 2019/11 - The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (2019/11/1-3, Taipei, Taiwan) Best Poster Award Three-dimensional deformation and rotation of aortic smooth muscle nuclei in response to tissue stretch is dependent on the stretch direction
- 2017/11 - 日本機械学会 日本機械学会創立120周年記念功労者表彰
- 2017/09 - 日本機械学会 Graphics of the Year 2016b, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering Dynamics of actin filaments of MC3T3-E1 cells during adhesion process to substrate, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 11-2, 15-00637 (2016)
- 2017/09 - 日本機械学会 Papers of the Year 2016, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering Dynamics of actin filaments of MC3T3-E1 cells during adhesion process to substrate, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 11-2, 15-00637 (2016)
- 2017/09 - 日本機械学会 Graphics of the Year 2016, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering Observations of intracellular tension dynamics of MC3T3-E1 cells during substrate adhesion using a FRET-based actinin tension sensor, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 11-4, 16-00504 (2016/12)
- 2014/09 - ライフサポート学会 平成26年度論文賞 杉田修啓,松本健郎,佐藤正明:動脈硬化病変を有する家兎胸大動脈の血管周方向ひずみ分布計測, ライフサポート 25-2, 56-62 (2013)
- 2013/09 - 日本機械学会 Graphics of the Year 2012, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering Dynamic Changes of Traction Force at Focal Adhesions during Macroscopic Cell Stretching Using an Elastic Micropillar Substrate: Tensional homeostasis of aortic smooth muscle cells
- 2013/09 - 日本機械学会 Papers of the Year 2012, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering Dynamic Changes of Traction Force at Focal Adhesions during Macroscopic Cell Stretching Using an Elastic Micropillar Substrate: Tensional homeostasis of aortic smooth muscle cells, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 7-2, 130-140 (2012)
- 2013/01 - 日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門業績賞
- 2013/01 - Outstanding Achievement Award, Bioengineering Division, JSME
- 2010/04 - 日本機械学会賞(論文)
- 2010/04 - JSME Medal
- 2005/04 - 日本機械学会賞(論文)
- 2005/04 - JSME Medal
- 2003/04 - 日本機械学会賞(論文)
- 2003/04 - JSME Medal
- 2002/04 - Microstrain Award, Americal Society of Biomechanics
- 2002/04 - 日本エム・イー学会平成13年度荻野賞
- 2002/04 - Microstrain Award, Americal Society of Biomechanics
- 2002/04 - Ogino Award, Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
- 2001/04 - Award for Best Poster in the Category Cell and Molecular Mechanics (2001 Summer Bioeng Conf)
- 2001/04 - Award for Best Poster in the Category Cell and Molecular Mechanics (2001 Summer Bioeng Conf)
- 2000/04 - 日本機械学会賞(論文)
- 2000/04 - Outstanding Paper Award (10th Int Conf on Biomed Engng, Singapore)
- 2000/04 - JSME Medal
- 2000/04 - Outstanding Paper Award (10th Int Conf on Biomed Engng, Singapore)
- 1998/04 - 日本機械学会賞(論文)
- 1998/04 - JSME Medal
- 1994/04 - 日本機械学会バイオエンジニアリング部門第3回瀬口賞
- 1994/04 - Seguchi Award, Bioengineering Division, JSME
世界バイオメカニクス協議会 (World Council of Biomechanics)
, 日本生体医工学会
, 国際バイオメカニクス学会 (International Society of Biomechanics)
, 米国生体医工学会 (Biomedical Engineering Society)
, 米国機械学会 (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
, 日本再生医療学会
, 日本機械学会
, 日本エム・イー学会
, 日本人工臓器学会
, The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
, The Japanese Society of Artificial Organs