Maulana Firdaus, Katsumori Hatanaka, Ramadhona Saville, Achmad Zamroni. A study on economic ripple effect and small-scale mariculture micro data: an insight of current evidence in Provinces of Bali and Lampung,Indonesia. AACL Bioflux. 2022. 15. 2. 691-706
Maulana Firdaus, Katsumori Hatanaka, Ramadhona Saville. Profitability analysis of mariculture as well as its impact on farmers’ incomes and poverty alleviation: Insights from Lampung and Bali Provinces, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux. 2020. 13. 4. 2396-2409
Achmad Zamroni, Subechanis Saptanto, Latifatul Rosyidah, Katsumori Hatanaka. Socio-Economic Assessment of Grouper Fishermen and their Perceptions on Mariculture Development in Buleleng District, Bali, Indonesia. The Journal of Social Sciences Research. 2019. 5. 12. 1777-1786
Discussion on Method to Extract Scallop Areas in Seabed Images for Fishery Resources Investigation
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Marine Broadband Framework for Coastal Fishing
(Proceedings of OCEANS '08 MTS/IEEE Quebec, Marine Life and Ecosystems, 6 pages in CD-ROM, 2008 2008)
Extraction Method of Scallop Area in Seabed Images for Fishery Resources Investigation
(Proceedings of OCEANS '08 MTS/IEEE Quebec, Optical Sensing and Applied Metrology, 5 pages in CD-ROM, 2008 2008)