- 2018/05 - International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics Asia Pacific Scientific Achievement Award
- 2017/11 - University of Michigan College of Pharmacy The inaugural Allen J. Sedman Lecture Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 2016/11 - Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers 2016 (Pharmacology & Toxicology)
- 2014/03 - 日本薬学会 日本薬学会賞 血液脳関門研究の新規手法の開発と輸送機能解明への応用
- 2013/05 - 日本国 紫綬褒章
- 2010/11 - The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meritorious Manuscript Award Quantitative atlas of membrane transporter proteins: Development and application of a highly sensitive simultaneous LC/MS/MS method combined with novel in-silico peptide selection criteria
- 2007/10 - 日本薬物動態学会 日本薬物動態学会賞 脳関門輸送研究の新技術開発と脳支援防御機構解明
- 2007/05 - 日本薬剤学会学会 日本薬剤学会学会賞 血液脳関門機能と薬物の体内分布
- 2004/11 - The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Fellow
- 1996/10 - The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Meritorious Manuscript Award Transcellular transport of benzoic acid across Caco-2 cells by a pH-dependent and carrier-mediated transport mechanism
- 1994/05 - 富山県未来財団 富山賞
- 1992/03 - 日本薬学会 奨励賞
- 1991/09 - 日本薬物動態学会 奨励賞
- 1985/02 - American Pharmaceutical Association Ebert Prize Pharmacokinetic study on the mechanism of tissue distribution of doxorubicin: Interorgan and interspecies variation of tissue-to-plasma partition coefficients in rats, rabbits and guinea pigs