Kazuhiko Terazawa, Takeshi Tokida, Tadashi Sakata, Kenji Yamada, Shigehiro Ishizuka. Seasonal and weather-related controls on methane emissions from the stems of mature trees in a cool-temperate forested wetland. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY. 2021. 156. 2. 211-230
Vertical patterns of CH<sub>4</sub> emission along tree stems of <i>Alnus japonica</i> and <i>Fraxinus mandshurica</i>
(12th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands 2018)
Estimation of whole-tree and stand-level methane emissions from the stems of <i>Alnus japonica</i> in a cool-temperate forested peatland
(ヨーロッパ地球科学連合年次総会2016 2016)