J-GLOBAL ID:200901086173878338   更新日: 2020年09月01日

力石 紀子

Noriko Chikaraishi
職名: 助教
研究分野 (1件): 半導体、光物性、原子物理
研究キーワード (1件): 結晶解析, 抗菌活性な金属錯体, 光分解性表面修飾剤
論文 (21件):
Works (4件):
  • Syntheses,Ion Transport Properties and Characterization of CarboxylicIonophores Containing Naphthalene Groups
    1995 -
  • Ion Transport Properties and Conformational Analysis of Acyclic Carboxylic Ionophores Containing Sulficle Linkage
    1995 -
  • Ion transport selectivities relating to the structures of synthetic ionophores
    1994 -
  • Conformational Analysis of Pottasium salt of a Synthetic Carboxylic Ionophore
    1993 -
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