研究キーワード (5件):
, Machine Learning
, Embedded Systems
, Agricultural Technology
, Information Systems
論文 (6件):
Masashi Sugimoto, Naoya Iwamoto, Robert Johnston, Keizo Kanazawa, Yukinori Misaki, Kentarou Kurashige. A Study for effectiveness of Dimensionality Reduction for State-action Pair Prediction -Training set reduction using Tendency-. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electronics and Software Science (ICESS2017). 2017. 19-28
Masashi Sugimoto, Naoya Iwamoto, Robert W. Johnston, Keizo Kanazawa, Yukinori Misaki, Kentarou Kurashige. A Study of Effectiveness of Dynamically Varying Sampling Rate for State-action Pair Prediction. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS AND SOFTWARE SCIENCE (ICESS2016). 2016. 79-87