Soonbo Yang, Shinji Sassa, Yoshitake Takada. Cross-shore distributions of peracarid crustaceans after changes in beach morphology: The importance of suction as a key geoenvironmental variable. ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2020. 35. 5. 871-887
Soonbo Yang, Shinji Sassa, Yoshitake Takada. Cross-shore distributions of peracarid crustaceans after changes in beach morphology: The importance of suction as a key geoenvironmental variable. Ecological Research. 2020. 35. 5. 871-887
Nobufumi Masunari, Kazuki Sekiné, Bong Jung Kang, Yoshitake Takada, Masatsugu Hatakeyama, Masayuki Saigusa. Ontogeny of Cheliped Laterality and Mechanisms of Reversal of Handedness in the Durophagous Gazami Crab, Portunus trituberculatus. 2020. 238. 1
YANG Soonbo, 佐々真志, 工代健太, 高田康平, 高田宜武, KIM Sungtae, KIM Sungtae, LEE Chae-Lin, HONG Jae-Sang. 潮差が異なる砂浜潮間帯に生息する底生等脚類の岸沖分布と地盤環境適合場の一般性. 土木学会論文集 B2(海岸工学)(Web). 2020. 76. 2