藤田 尚志. Screening for inhibitor of episomal DNA identified dicumarol as a hepatitis B virus inhibitor. PLOS ONE. 2019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212
藤田 尚志. Type III Interferon Restriction by Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and the Role of Viral Protein nsp1 in IRF1 Signaling. J. Virol. 2018. 92. 4. doi:10.1128/JVI.01677-17
藤田 尚志. Antiviral innate immunity in health and disease. NIH-Japan-JSPS Symposium-Highlights from the frontier of biomedical science from NIH and Japan. 2014
藤田 尚志. Dysregulation of MDA5-dependent signaling causes autoimmune disorder. NHRI/IBMS Joint International Conference on Inflammation & Disease. 2014
藤田 尚志. Regulation of antiviral innate immunity by RIG-I-Like Receptors. EMBO Workshop Human RNA Viruses, Istanbul, Turkey. 2014