Kota Horiuchi, Chiasa Uragami, Taiki Inoue, Nao Yukihira, Daisuke Kosumi, Hideki Hashimoto. Analysis on the excited state properties of cis-β-apo-8’-carotenal using femtosecond yime-reolved absorption spectroscopy. Carotenoid Science. 2019. 23. 24-31
Taiki Inoue, Shota Seto, Tomoko Horibe, Kota Horiuchi, Chiasa Uragami, Hideki Hashimoto. Generation of geometric isomers of β-apo-8’-carotenal and investigation of their optical properties using Stark spectroscopy. Carotenoid Science. 2019. 23. 32-36
Masayuki Yoshizawa, Ren Sato, Nao Yukihira, Chiasa Uragami, Hideki Hashimoto. Efficient energy transfer in light-harvesting function from an intra-molecular charge transfer state of fucoxanthin in reconstituted LH1 complex. Carotenoid Science. 2019. 23. 47-49