Koichiro Ueda, Osamu Takahashi, Hisao Hiraba, Masaru Yamaoka, Enri Nakayama, Kimiko Abe, Mituyasu Sato, Hisako Ishiyama, Akinari Hayashi and Kotomi Sakai. Is the Electrical Threshold of Sensation on the Soft Palate Indicative of the Recovery Process of the Swallowing Reflex Based on Functional Assessment. SEMINARS IN DYSPHAGIA. 2015. 105-117
, 日本老年歯科医学会
, 日本顎顔面補綴学会
, Dysphagia Research Society
, 日本歯科基礎医学会
, 日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会
, 日本先天性代謝異常学会
, International Association for Dental Research
, Society for Neuroscience