Eiko Sekine, Kazuo Yamanaka. A non-probabilistic approach to efficient portfolios. International Review of Financial Analysis. 2022. 83
Eiko Sekine, Kazuo Yamanaka. A simple probabilistic model for state transition analysis of a roundabout. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications. 2022. 11. 4. 1-5
Taro Sekine, Eiko Sekine. Characteristic Classification of Driving Behavior with Mixed Traffic Situation for Driver Assist. The International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics 2009. 2009. CD-ROM P141
Eiko Sekine, Yoshio Hamamatsu. Modeling and simulation of PRT System. Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control. 2002
Eiko Sekine, Yoshio Hamamatsu. Optimization Method for the Multi-route Searching Problem. Proc. of 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Tronto, Canada. 1999. ITSA-30001