研究キーワード (4件):
, 水工学
, River Engineering
, Hydraulics
MISC (231件):
Ryosuke Akoh, Tadaharu Ishikawa, Takashi Kojima, Mahito Tomaru, Shiro Maeno. High-resolution modeling of tsunami run-up flooding: a case study of flooding in Kamaishi city, Japan, induced by the 2011 Tohoku tsunami. NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. 2017. 17. 11. 1871-1883
K. Yoshida, S. Maeno, K. Mano, K. Yamaguchi, R. Akoh. Application of high-resolution ALB data of shallow water to river flow analysis. Proc. International Synposium of Shallow Flows 2017. 2017