Yoichiro Neo, Rikuto Oda, Jonghyun Moon. Self-joule heating assisted field emission following the Child-Langmuir law. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A. 2023. 6. 063104-1
Toya Kishimoto, Yoichiro Neo, Moon Jonghyun. Photocathode with plasmonic structure fabricated by using molding method. 2022. 298. 41-43
Rikuto Oda, Teppei Hayashi, Yoichiro Neo, Moon Jonghyun. Work function evaluation of Ga liquid metal electron source. 2022. 298. 18-20
Suitability of low-work-function titanium nitride coated transfer mold field-emitter arrays for harsh environment. JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B. 2011. 29. 2. 02B111-02B115
Field Emission from Tungsten Coated with Ga Liquid Metal
(The 14th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVESC 2023) 2023)
Photocathode Enhanced with Plasmonic Crystal Fabricated by using Molding Method
(The 14th International Vacuum Electron Sources Conference (IVESC 2023) 2023)
Deposition and manipulation of carbon nanotube bundles on a CMOS-compatible platform
(the International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-14) 2022)