- ハウス栽培'アーウィン'種マンゴー果実の成熟に伴う理化学的特性の変化
- ハウス栽培マンゴー果実の成熟に伴うポリフェノールおよびポリフェノールオキダーゼ活性の消長
- ハウス栽培完熟マンゴー果実の色調、果肉硬度、呼吸量および主要成分におよぼす貯蔵の影響
- Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties during Maturation of Mango Fruit Mangifera india L.'Irwin')Cultured in a Plastic Greenhouse
- Variation of Total Polyphenol and Polyphenol Oxidase Activity during Maturation of Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica L. 'Irwin') Cultured in a Plastic House
- Effects of Storage on Fruit Color, Flesh Firmness,Respiratory Rate and Several Principal Compounds in Fully Matured Mango Fruit Cultured in Plastic House