The role of carbohydrate metabolism in winter survival. In Low Temperature Plant Microbe Interactions Under Snow (eds. N.Iriki et al.)
Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station 2001 ISBN:4901405039
The role of carbohydrate metabolism in winter survival. Low Temperature Plant Microbe Interactions Under Snow
Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station 2001
サイレージの生化学 第3章 植物酵素(翻訳)
デーリィ・ジャパン 1995
講演・口頭発表等 (1件):
Mode of synthesis of long-chain fructan in timothy haplocorm
(International Fructan Symposium 2008)
Works (3件):
2003 -
2000 -
Creation of compost from pruned branches
2000 -
学歴 (2件):
- 1971 香川大学 農学部 農学科(作物)
- 1971 香川大学
学位 (1件):
理学博士 (東北大学)
経歴 (7件):
1991 - 2001 Associate Professor, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
2001 - - Professor, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine.
1979 - 1991 草地試験場
1979 - 1991 Researcher, National Institute of Grassland Science.
1991 - - 帯広畜産大学
1971 - 1979 北海道農業試験場
1971 - 1979 Researcher, Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station.
委員歴 (2件):
1997 - 現在 日本草地学会 編集委員
1995 - 現在 Japanese Society of Grassland Science Editorial Board
受賞 (2件):
1988 - 日本草地学会賞
1988 - The Prize of Japanese society of Grassland Science