J-GLOBAL ID:200901088832887121
更新日: 2023年05月02日
沼田 雅彦
ヌマタ マサヒコ | Numata Masahiko
独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 物質計測標準研究部門 有機基準物質研究グループ
独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 物質計測標準研究部門 有機基準物質研究グループ について
「独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 物質計測標準研究部門 有機基準物質研究グループ」ですべてを検索
ホームページURL (1件):
研究分野 (2件):
, 分析化学
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
論文 (60件):
Kitamaki Yuko, Saito Naoki, Numata Masahiko, Ihara Toshihide. Application of post-column reaction GC for accurate and direct determination of musty odor substances in standard solution. ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE. 2018. 23. 5. 297-302
Kuroe Miho, Saito Naoki, Yamazaki Taichi, Nishizaki Yuzo, Sugimoto Naoki, Numata Masahiko, Ihara Toshihide. Characterization of a Heptaoxyethylene Dodecyl Ether Standard Solution by a Combination of H-1 Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy and HPLC. BUNSEKI KAGAKU. 2018. 67. 9. 541-549
Yamazaki Taichi, Morii Nahoko, Numata Masahiko. Direct Determination of Total Anionic Surfactant Concentrations by Quantitative NMR Spectroscopy. BUNSEKI KAGAKU. 2018. 67. 7. 397-403
Muneaki Hashimoto, Masahiko Numata, Shouki Yatsushiro, Yusuke Ido, Masato Tanaka, Kazuaki Kajimoto, Masatoshi Kataoka. Pseudo-Infected Red Blood Cell Beads as Positive Control for Cell Microarray Chip-Based Detection of Plasmodium-Infected RBCs. Journal of Parasitology. 2018. 104. 3. 283-288
Yuzo Nishizaki, Naoko Sato-Masumoto, Aki Yokota, Tsuyoshi Mikawa, Koichi Nakashima, Taichi Yamazaki, Miho Kuroe, Masahiko Numata, Toshihide Ihara, Yusai Ito, et al. HPLC/PDA determination of carminic acid and 4-aminocarminic acid using relative molar sensitivities with respect to caffeine. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment. 2018. 35. 5. 838-847
MISC (7件):
Nobuyasu Itoh, Masahiko Numata, Yoshie Aoyagi, Takashi Yarita. Effect of residues remaining in the injection liner of a gas chromatograph on the quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by isotope dilution mass spectrometry using deuterium-labeled internal standards. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A. 2006. 1134. 1-2. 246-252
M Numata, Y Aoyagi, Y Tsuda, T Yarita, A Takatsu. Separation of polychlorinated biphenyls from mineral oil using alkylammonium ion-bonded silica stationary phases. ANALYTICAL SCIENCES. 2006. 22. 5. 785-788
沼田 雅彦, 鎗田 孝, 青柳 嘉枝, 山崎 美佐子, 山本 葉子, 高津 章子, 石川 啓一郎. 生物試料中の有機汚染物質分析法の開発および関連する国際比較への参加. 分析化学. 2006. 55. 1. 29-40
M Numata, T Yarita, Y Aoyagi, M Yamazaki, A Takatsu. Investigation of saponification for determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in marine sediments. CHEMOSPHERE. 2005. 58. 7. 865-875
M Numata, T Yarita, Y Aoyagi, A Takatsu. Evaluation of a microwave-assisted extraction technique for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in sediments. ANALYTICAL SCIENCES. 2004. 20. 5. 793-798
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