J-GLOBAL ID:201002217034362442   整理番号:10A0087491


High-throughput Automated Image Processing System for Cell Array Observations
著者 (5件):
巻:号:ページ: 71-78 (J-STAGE)  発行年: 2008年 
JST資料番号: U0069A  ISSN: 1881-0896  資料種別: 逐次刊行物 (A)
発行国: 日本 (JPN)  言語: 英語 (EN)
引用文献 (14件):
  • 1) Ziauddin, J. and Sabatini, D.M.: Microarrays of cells expressing defined cDNAs, Nature, Vol.411, pp.107-110 (2001).
  • 2) Bailey, S.N., Wu, R.Z. and Sabatini, D.M.: Applications of transfected cell microarrays in high-throughput drug discovery, Drug Discovery Today, Vol.7, No.18 (Suppl.), S113-S118 (2002).
  • 3) Yoshikawa, T., et al: Transfection microarray of human mesenchymal stem cells and on-chip siRNA gene knockdown, Journal of controlled release, Vol.96, 227-232 (2004).
  • 4) Kato, K., Umezawa, K., Miyake, M., Miyake, J. and Nagamune, T.: Transfection microarrays of nonadherent cells on an oleyl poly(ethylene glycol) ether-modified glass slide, Biotechniques, Vol.37, No.3, pp.444-452 (2004).
  • 5) Neumann, B., et al.: High-throughput RNAi screening by time-lapse imaging of live human cells, Nature methods, Vol.3, No.5, 385-390 (2006).
タイトルに関連する用語 (5件):
