Hiroaki Niikura, Miki Seko. The Effect of Inside and Outside Female Directors on Firm Performance: Comparison of The First section, Second section, Mothers, and Jasdaq in the Tokyo Stock Exchange Market. International Journal of Economic Policy Studies. 2019. 14. 123-166
The Effect of Information Disclosure on Price Dispersion and the Time-on-Market: Evidence from the Housing Market
(日本経済学会2023年度春季大会 2023)
The Effect of Information Disclosure on Price Dispersion and the Time-on-Market: Evidence from the Housing Market
(第36回応用地域学会(ARSC)研究発表大会 2022)
The Effect of Information Disclosure on Price Dispersion and the Time-on-Market: Evidence from the Housing Market
(AREUEA-AsRES Joint Conference 2022, American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association 2022)