J-GLOBAL ID:201801014825310869   更新日: 2024年01月30日

谷口 俊恭

タニグチ トシヤス | Taniguchi Toshiyasu
職名: 教授
研究分野 (1件): 医化学
研究キーワード (5件): BRCA1/2 ,  抗がん剤耐性 ,  ファンコニー貧血 ,  がん ,  DNA修復
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2021 - 2026 microRNA生合成因子のDNA修復における新規機能の解明
  • 2017 - 2019 Regulation of the Fanconi anemia-BRCA pathway
論文 (65件):
MISC (17件):
  • Toshiyasu Taniguchi. The Fanconi anemia-BRCA pathway and cancer. MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH. 2017. 15
  • Ronald S. Cheung, Maria Castella, Toshiyasu Taniguchi. Disparate Requirements for the Phosphorylation of Distinct Sites on the Fanconi Anemia Group I Protein. BLOOD. 2014. 124. 21
  • Toshiyasu Taniguchi. The Fanconi anemia-BRCA pathway and chemosensitivity of cancer cells. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH. 2013. 19
  • Jen-Wei Huang, Emily Villegas, Toshiyasu Taniguchi. MicroRNA-mediated regulation of the Fanconi anemia-BRCA pathway. CANCER RESEARCH. 2010. 70
  • Yemin Wang, Toshiyasu Taniguchi. Identification of microRNAs that regulate DNA damage response. CANCER RESEARCH. 2010. 70
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