J-GLOBAL ID:202201004847382941
更新日: 2024年10月24日
邵 肖偉
ショウ ショウイ | Shao Xiaowei
研究キーワード (2件):
, 空間情報解析
競争的資金等の研究課題 (1件):
- 2007 - 2009 交差点事故を減らせ!固定型と移動型センサによるリアルタイムネットワークセンシング
論文 (67件):
X. Shi, X. Shao, G. Wu, H. Zhang, Z. Guo, R. Jiang, R. Shibasaki. Social-DPF: Socially Acceptable Distribution Prediction of Futures. Proc. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2021. 35. 3. 2550-2557
X. Shi, X. Shao, Z. Fan, R. Jiang, H. Zhang, Z. Guo, G. Wu, W. Yuan, R. Shibasaki. Multimodal Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Space. Proc. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2020. 34. 7. 11982-11989
Z. Guo, G. Wu, X. Shi, M. Sui, X. Song, Y. Xu, X. Shao, R. Shibasaki. Geosr: A Computer Vision Package for Deep Learning Based Single-Frame Remote Sensing Imagery Super-Resolution. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2019. 3376-3379
Z. Guo, G. Wu, X. Song, W. Yuan, Q. Chen, H. Zhang, X. Shi, M. Xu, Y. Xu, R. Shibasaki, et al. Super-Resolution Integrated Building Semantic Segmentation for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Imagery. IEEE Access. 2019. 7. 99381-99397
G. Wu, Z. Guo, X. Shao, R. Shibasaki. Geoseg: A Computer Vision Package for Automatic Building Segmentation and Outline Extraction. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 2019. 158-161
MISC (4件):
Yongwei Xu, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Xiaowei Shao. Using data assimilation method to predict people flow in areas of incomplete data availability. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference(GHTC). 2016. 845-846
Ayumi Arai, Apichon Witayangkurn, Teerayut Horanont, Xiaowei Shao, Ryosuke Shibasaki. Understanding the unobservable population in call detail records through analysis of mobile phone user calling behavior: A case study of Greater Dhaka in Bangladesh. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications(PerCom). 2015. 207-214
Yun Shi, Shun-Ping Ji, Xiao-Wei Shao, Hua-Jun Tang, Wen-Bin Wu, Peng Yang, Yong-Jun Zhang, Shibasaki Ryosuke. Framework of SAGI agriculture remote sensing and its perspectives in supporting national food security. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2014. 13. 7. 1443-1450
Ayumi Arai, Apichon Witayangkurn, Hiroshi Kanasugi, Teerayut Horanont, Xiaowei Shao, Ryosuke Shibasaki. Understanding User Attributes from Calling Behavior: Exploring Call Detail Records through Field Observations. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia(MoMM). 2014. 95-104
特許 (2件):